The travel to Svalbard was this time done together with my son Mats and Mattis. What a great time we had ! Here we have lunch near Tunabreen glacier.
Stranded icebergs can sometime act as reflecting prisms. See the “Ice & Snow” gallery for more new images.
Prior to an incoming low pressure weather system we saw the phenomenon “Parhelia”. This is described with great interest by the early arctic explorers
On our journey in the arctic wilderness we also met Polar Bears. See the “Polar Bear” gallery for more images.
This big female bear is wandering unaffected on the sea ice. They are really the King of the arctic !
The Dwarf Reindeers have no real enemies on Svalbard, so they are not afraid of humans. See the “Dwarf Reindeer” gallery for more images.
We also made a visit to one of the few active fur trappers on Svalbard. Harald Solheim on Kapp Wijk have lived and trapped here since 1978.
What a beautiful creature we met on our journey. Can we call it “Ice Bear”?